Friday, October 30, 2009

Sony α900 Cámara digital réflex Sony DSLR-A900 lente única Cámara digital SLR (D-SLR), 24.6 MP. Sólo carcasa. Funciones y profesionales gran imagen. Cuadro completo con CMOS sensor Exmor ™. Visor Prism Penta de alto rendimiento con cobertura 100%. Enf. car. 9 points alta velocidad, y SteadyShot LCD 3 "calidad fotográfica, 921.000 telecommunications companies.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sony Alpha A900

I take a look at the Sony Alpha A900, the full-frame DSLR from the electronics giant. Due to the comprehensive review, it is over, the long handle to 10 minutes for YouTube too. Take a look at the complete review for! Do not forget the full written exam at the

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Unboxing Carl Zeiss 24-70mm f/2 8 SSM

The legendary lens manufacturer Carl Zeiss has a masterpiece with this 24-70mm f/2.8 SSM for Sony DSLR cameras. I sold to buy my old Zeiss 16-80mm f/3.5-4.5 this baby, and I'm sure I'll never regret it. What a lens! So here is a little unboxing video for the people on YouTube and For photos taken with the lens, see my portfolio at: ... Unboxing of Carl Zeiss 24-70mm f / 2 SSM Lens Sony Alpha A100 A200 A230 Professional A300 A330 A350 A380 A500 A550 A700 A850 A900...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sony Alpha Training

Take your Sony Alpha DSLR of Auto mode and experience the different modes.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sony Develops 24 MP Full-Frame DSLR: Live PMA Interview

Sony Corporation announced the development of a 35mm full size (diagonal: Developed 43.3mm/Type 2.7) 24.81 effective megapixel, ultra-high speed high image quality CMOS image sensor to the growing demand for rapid image capture and advanced picture quality take in the digital SLR cameras. Available later in 2008 to Prices are competitive with comparable DSLRs. Ranges in recent years the demand for digital SLR cameras with high resolution and the grand finale...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

작가주의 라인업 완성 DSLR '알파 900'

소니 코리아 는 18 일 힐튼 호텔 에서 A900 (알파 900) DSLR 카메라 발표회 를 가졌다. 이날 소니 코리아 는 알파 의 플래그십 모델 "알파 900 '에 탑재된 소니 고유 의 기술 및 기능 에 대해 설명 했다. 알파 900 은 2460 만화소 의 엑스 모어 센서 를 탑제 한점 과 세계 최초 로 바디 내장 손덜림 보정 기능 을 선보였다. 소니 코리아 는 "펜타 프리즘 을 사용 세계 에서 가장 밝은 뷰파인더를 탑제 하였으며 가장기대 하던 부분 중 의 하나로 기존 에 크롭 바디 에서 보여 주지 못했던 프리미엄 렌즈 들이 갖고 있는 잠제된 힘을 세계 에서 가장 높은 만화소 를 갖고 있는 알파

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sony Alpha Maxxum 135mm f/2.8 DSLR lens

A brief review in detail the characteristics of the Minolta 135mm f/2.8 for the A or Alpha-mount. Included is a brief of the lens works on the Sony A100. This lens is compatible with all Sony DSLR's as well as the Dynax 5D, Dynax 7D and film-SLR compatible

Friday, October 23, 2009

Carl Zeiss 24-70mm T* ssm

unboxing of the Carl Zeiss 24-70mm T * ssm ... Ssm Carl Zeiss 24-70 Sony Canon Nikon Nikkor lens LEICA Alpha DSLR unboxing 70-200 70 200 2.8 2.8 professional 100 300 350 700 900 A100 A200 A300 A350 A700 A900 Glass Video Tele-aperture telephoto Super Sonic Motor Field SONY ALPHA Maxxum 135mm DSLR

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sony Alpha Maxxum 28mm f/2.8 DSLR lens review

A brief review in detail the characteristics of the Minolta 28mm f/2.8 for the A or Sony Alpha Mount. Included is a brief of the lens works on the Sony A100. It is compatible with all Sony DSLR's inluding the A100, A200, A350, A700 and A900 full-frame.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

WDC PHOTOKINA REPORT: Sony Alpha 900 (pt. 2)

Nigel Atherton brings Sony UK's Paul Genge for a Lowdown on the Sony Alpha 900

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sony Alpha SLR A900 Camera Trailer

Sony Alpha A900 SLR Camera Trailer - If you have problems with this point, you subscribe to, and send me a message Supportly Information mails come back for at least 1 day!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Botanical Garden 大船 2009 Jun~A Song for You:Stephanie

Stephanie地2nd.Album Colors of My Voice "より撮影: D撮影:大船植物园...ステファニーBotanical Garden大船2009 Jun Stephanie大船植物园Michael Jackson color of my voice DSLR-A900 SONY α900 MACRO100mmF2.8デジタル一眼Song for You Flower花植物水莲睡莲蔷薇roseフラワーセンターJポップ

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Canon EOS 30d Shooting 5 Frames Per Second

The Canon EOS 30D Digital SLR Shooting in High Speed Continuous (5 FPS), the relatively fast because they shoot the new Sony A900 and Nikon D90 at the same speed. These cameras are of this year. Canon 30d introduced the spring 06 ', at 699 $ Body only, it is a cheap body for the amateur. Questions about the 30d? Leave a comment ... Canon 30D DSLR Single Lens Reflex

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Botanical Garden Ohfuna 2009 water lily and lotus 2(Marry Me : Reimy)

大船植物園にて,蓮と睡蓮の写真. 1990年アルバム"走るそよ風たちへ"より... Botanic Garden大船大船植物园Merry Me结婚Reimy走るそよ風たちへDSLR-A900 SONY α900 MACRO100mmF2.8デジタル一眼花植物水蓮睡蓮蓮フラワーセンター

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blown-Up Sony A900 DSLR - PMA 2009

A display of an inflated, dissected per Sony A900 digital SLR at the Sony PMA booth.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 Ultra wide angle lens review www dombower com

Fantastic video review of the Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 Ultra-wide angle lens DLSR ... Dom Arbor Tokina 11-16 review ultra-wide angle photography photo Scotland SLR Nikon D300 Canon f2.8 video d700 d3 d3x 5d professional tips dslr a900 sony sigma

Monday, October 12, 2009

Gary Ruddell SHOTS: My 2008 Video Portfolio

A video portfolio of my recent personal work from around the world. From Iraq to Paris. ... Gary Ruddell Photography Portadown County Armagh Northern Ireland a100 200 a350 a700 A900 SLR Camera Sony DSLR-portfolio

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sony Alpha HVL-F36AM flash review on the Sony A700

A brief overview of the Sony HVL-F36AM. This lens was transferred from the older Konica Minolta Design

Friday, October 9, 2009

Unboxing of Sony VG-C70AM (A700 grip)

Here's an unboxing of the DSLR-A700 grip, the VG-C70AM. I must admit, I've already had quite a while, and this is not the original unboxing. But I have made sure that was all the papers and plastics in the same place, so do not worry!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sony Digital SLR A900 camera

24.6 megapixel full frame CMOS sensor. SteadyShot INSIDE. PRICE: 2050 uk ponds

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sony Cyber-Shot W290 Review (HD)

Hey folks, this is an overview of the Sony W290 (Cyber-Shot W290). This video is in HD available. Please do not hesitate to ask questions and register the camera please! Thank you!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sony Introduces Full-Frame Alpha 900 (24.6 MP) at Photokina

The Sony A900 digital SLR sets new standards for serious photo enthusiasts, the incomparable quality and creative possibilities of full-frame imaging demand. The ground-breaking sensor provides exceptional detail and wide dynamic range with 24.6 megapixels.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sony Alpha A900 Digital SLR Camera

In this video we take a look at the first Sony full-frame, pro-quality DSLR. Sony Alpha DSLR-A900

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Canon, Nikon & Sony Prosumer Full-Frame DSLR's


The full-frame digital SLR camera market heats up - by the end of the year three major suppliers, Nikon, Canon and Sony, all the prosumer full frame DSLR's on the market, all at a similar price.

The 12.1-megapixel Nikon D700, based on proven technology from both the Nikon D3 and D300, which was announced in July, and is already available. With an original MSRP of $ 2,999.95, only 3 months after their Announcement street prices have already fallen around the $ 2,750 mark.

Rumored for months, the 24.6 megapixel Sony Alpha A900 was finally officially on 9 Announced September with a MSRP of $ 2,999.95 and should be shipping within the next few weeks.

A few days later, Canon announced the 21.1MP Canon EOS 5D Mark II offers a very comprehensive feature set, and the addition of 1080p HD video, while undercutting both the Nikon and the> Sony, with its € 2699.99 RRP. The camera should ship by the end of the year.

Three very different cameras, all of which are on a very similar price point, an interesting choice for the consumer or Professional with up to 3,000 U.S. dollars on a prosumer DSLR spend.

Nikon D700:

The Nikon D700 is the excellent years old sensor from the Nikon D3 in a body similar to the Nikon D300. With the optional MB-D10 battery pack (which also fits the Nikon D300), whichD700 can reach an impressive 8 frames / s, while the recording is filled by 14-bit files, at least until the buffer.

High ISO performance on the D700 is excellent, like the Nikon D3. The Nikon D700 is also proved autofocus and exposure metering. However, it is the lowest resolution camera in the group, only 12 megapixels, and it has a lot of potential buyers will turn.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II:

The 21.1MP sensor has a resolution similar to the flagship Canon EOS1Ds Mark III, but it has a much broader ISO range. In fact, exceeds the ISO range, the Nikon D3 and D700 at ISO 50-25,600 (vs. ISO 100-25,600) for the Nikon.

The sensor in the 5D Mark II is a year younger than the sensor in the D700, and if in poor light conditions, the ability to come even in the Nikon D700, then Canon has a very impressive camera in his hands with a much higher resolution than the Nikon too close. There are very few sample pictures floating round of the Canon, so it is tooearly to be sure, but the Canon has a lot of potential - we will soon see how much difference another year makes the sensor development.

The big news of the Canon is the 1080p HD video mode. For many, this feature is a gimmick at best, but for some this is a very powerful tool - the ability to a wide range of high-quality lenses, use and control of the depth of field, that just does not exist on the consumer video cameras today. This will be a major selling point for some, and anice to have for many.

Sony Alpha A900:

The Sony has the highest resolution of the three cameras, but falls into two broad categories: The ISO performance is much smaller than its main rivals, and it offers only 12-bit A / D conversion. For the vast majority of shooters, which is 12-bit A / D not much, if any real world difference. The problem is one of perception, a $ 3,000 full-frame DSLR is almost to be expected that 14Bit A / D conversion on the market today.

Comparing the cameras:

You drive in your new luxury car, and asks the first question, your neighbor, "How much HP has this thing have?" With cameras, it's megapixels - right or wrong, which is the main selling point for the average consumer, with ISO function is a very close seconds.

In reality, only need very few photographers for more than 12 megapixels. If you are publishing on the Web, 3-megapixelusually more than enough - my big 1920 x 1200 monitor is about 2.3 megapixels. A 1080p HD TV is less than 2.1 megapixels.

Most high-quality prints with 300 dpi print (dots per inch), 150 dpi print yet still very good. At 300dpi, requires an 8x10 photo just over 7 megapixels. A 16x20 print at 150 dpi requires 7.2 megapixels. How many people go to buy these cameras to print beyond?

The main advantage of more megapixels is the ability to harvest.This is especially useful for nature, wildlife and sports photographers that need as much reach as possible. What matters to them is pixel density - the more "pixels on target" you can get with your longest lens, the more you can crop and the more effective reach you have. However none of these cameras have the highest pixel density out there - if you need reach, you'd be better served with a Nikon D300 or the new Canon 50D. To get the same pixel density as the Canon 50D in a full frame sensor, She had a full-frame camera to almost 40 mega pixels.

Whether you like it or not, the attribute of the camera that makes the headlines megapixel number. From a marketing perspective, that is the Nikon D700 at a major disadvantage for the Canon 5D Mark II. On paper, Canon also wins in the ISO race, but only just. Until the camera is somewhere out there on the market, we will not know for sure how well the low ISO performance is. The Canon also has 1080p video, in which it was said, asbefore, is a key selling point for some, and irrelevant to others.

Where the Canon beats the Nikon is everywhere else that matters: It has a higher maximum frame rate (especially if you add the MB-D10 grip to get 8fps which) more than doubled in the canons, and has on paper a superior AF system and metering system. In the same way, with more horsepower is pointless if the car is not that the power claimed on the street, you (think transmission, chassis, tires, tractionControl), the Nikon D700 is still a very compelling package, especially for those who shoot sports or action.

The Sony A900 will win the megapixel race, but the Canon is very close behind him. However, it loses badly, when you factor in the ISO performance. Canon also has a much wider range of very high quality lenses to back up the camera, and offers 14-bit A / D conversion verses 12-bit on the Sony for those ultimate image quality. It also has video support, and isabout 10% cheaper, so that the Canon actually makes the Sony A900, a non-starter for most people.

Then it comes back to the Nikon versus Canon. Both companies have a wide range of professional quality lenses and accessories to secure the camera. The Nikon is the clear choice for sports shooters. The landscape or studio photographer will incline to offer the higher resolution of Canon. If the ISO performance proves to be both for the Nikon D700 and similarCanon 5D Mark II, then for the wedding photographer and photo-journalists, that in low-light capabilities, the Canon extra resolution there must be at the edge. Unless, that is, they explicitly do not want to have to deal with larger image files (requires more space on memory cards to load more, for a lengthy post-processing etc).

For all other to meet either the Nikon or Canon, or rather on their needs, but Canon has the marketing advantage with the headlineNumber. If you have a lot of time spent shooting in public, then you know someone will come to you at some point and say, "Nice camera, how many megapixels is that thing have?"